Free Stuff for Early Learners (Ages 4-7)
Throughout our 25+ years of research, practice, and teaching, we’ve found that when children as young as four years old learn the mechanics of why and how we use our social minds to foster social and emotional awareness and self-monitoring—it helps them develop deeper insights and foundational social competencies that follow them throughout their lives. Help children build foundational social competencies and essential life skills through stories, lessons, and play activities. Social Thinking's Free Stuff for early learners is designed to be used with both typically developing children and those with social learning differences.
The Social Thinking Methodology provides evidence-based strategies to help people of all ages develop their social competencies, flexible thinking & social problem solving and improve: conversation & social connection, executive functioning, friendship & relationship development, perspective taking, self-regulation, and Social Thinking vocabulary.
Please do NOT repost or sell our free resources on educational or sharing platforms. If you have questions, refer to our IP guidelines for more information about copyright and trademark restrictions.
Everything we do socially starts with observation—it lays the foundation for better interpersonal relationships and academic learning. Our award-winning We Thinkers! series helps kids better understand themselves and others, develop self-awareness, perspective taking, social problem solving, and supports students’ social-emotional learning, relationship building, classroom learning, and academic performance. The free Thinksheets below are designed to be used with both neurotypically developing children and those with social learning differences and/or challenges.
The Zones of Regulation is an award-winning social emotional learning series that has been adopted across thousands of mainstream classrooms worldwide. Students ages 4-18+ learn how to organize their feelings into four different Zones and use metacognitive strategies to regulate within specific Zones to meet their personal, organizational, and social goals. The best-selling and easy-to-teach curriculum provides important practical social emotional learning tools to practice regulation of one’s feelings across situations at home, school, and in the community.
Further supplement strategies for managing feelings and sensory needs as part of their social emotional learning with these free emotion visuals and handouts when using The Zones of Regulation curriculum to support individuals ages 4-18+.
Learn Essential Social Thinking Concepts for Free
Free webinars are presented live by experts in the Social Thinking® Methodology. Core presentations typically run for 60 minutes, followed by a 30 minute Q&A. Browse our entire collection of recorded webinars and soak in all the free information—or explore our hand-picked free webinars to support your early learners. Note: Attendees receive a Certificate of Completion, CEs are not provided to attendees for free webinars.
Social Thinking is proud to provide an extensive collection of free articles devoted to helping individuals build stronger social awareness and social functioning using the Social Thinking Methodology. Browse our library of 100+ free articles and learn strategies you can start using right away. Or explore below our hand-picked free articles to support your early learners. We’re constantly adding material based on the latest research and our evolving client work—so come back often and stay informed!
For over 20 years Social Thinking has been a guiding resource for schools, clinics, and families around the world, and we’re here for you, too! The practical nature of our teaching and the concrete way we explain social concepts helps engage people in social learning not only about themselves but about others. Whether you're teaching individuals with ADHD, autism spectrum (levels 1 or 2), social communication disorders, or an entire mainstream class-our strategies can help you help them.
We are clinicians who create quality educational products and services that break down the social emotional learning process to help you teach it. Our methodology fosters social competencies so foundational that our work applies across cultures, ages, races, religions, mental health diagnoses, etc. and is taught in communities around the world. We stand committed to providing quality, practical information that is rooted in research, built upon real-world experiences, and is responsive to the needs of the people who use our methodology. We are constantly learning and gaining inspiration from our clients and others we meet, so our work is ever-evolving yet remains grounded in its adherence to rigorous standards of quality.
In the free videos below our experts share some ideas for using Social Thinking.
Strategies to Build Social Competencies
The Social Thinking Methodology provides evidence-based strategies to help people ages four through adult develop their social competencies, flexible thinking & social problem solving to meet their own social goals and improve:
- Conversation & social connection
- Executive functioning
- Friendship & relationship development
- Perspective taking
- Self-regulation
- Social Thinking Vocabulary